Semrush SEO RoarFun Clients racing immersive simulator at IT conference

The Semrush SEO company approached us to deliver a motion racing simulator for the Reactive IT Conference. Semrush was the main conference sponsor, and the stand was located next to the main stage.


Location was essential, as the simulator needed to get people’s attention while remaining super silent during conference speeches. We used an FIA-certified motion system that can generate up to 2G but stay silent.

Ferrari happy lady licensed headphones and ferrari steering wheel for the Semrush SEO RoarFun Clients motion racing simulator
Ferrari licensed headphones and ferrari steering wheel for the Semrush SEO RoarFun Clients racing simulator at IT conference

We used 3Real screens to catch the most people’s attention, along with a Ferrari-licensed steering wheel and headphones for the most immersive racing experience. 

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