RoarFun Clients Porsche happy girl immersive VR motion racing simulators at Porsche sales event

For the Porsche sales event, we had a request to provide racing entertainment in the theme – let’s work together, integrating the Porsche logo into the racing track and Grand Prize competition screen.

We provided two racing simulators with Porsche GT1 competing at Monza for the best time and slot cars race track. Visitors were encouraged to gather in teams and compete with 4 participants for the best results.

RoarFun Clients Porsche immersive motion racing simulators at Porsche sales event
RoarFun Clients Porsche history slot cars race track immersive screen for competition at Porsche sales event

We used Porsche’s history for the slot cars to provide four models from different eras. A branded Grand Prize screen with trophies was present next to each activity.

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