RoarFun Clients Olympia Shopping center promo event to get more customers with immersive retro motion simulator to get customers attention

Since the event took place in Brno, we showcased the city’s racing heritage from the vintage Masaryk circuit from the 1960s to the present era in the modern configuration. We placed Olympia banners on a racing track from different historical eras. 

Our racing simulators featured huge 3Real screens to grab people’s attention and VR for the best experience. Visitors drove vintage cars from the 1960s with wooden steering wheels, jumping into present-day times with a motion Formula experience.

RoarFun Clients Olympia Shopping center promo event to get more customers with immersive Formula 1 motion VR simulator to get customers attention
RoarFun Clients Olympia Shopping center promo event to get more customers and kids with immersive Vintage motion VR simulator to get kids attention

The racing experiences were opened to the public, representing the incredible power of technology to showcase commercial brands and the history of cities and countries in an immersive, emotional way.

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