RoarFun Clients Exxon Mobil Formula 1 immersive Red Bull simulator at exxonmobil headquarters

The concept for the ExxonMobil event was to showcase the brand’s history through famous cars and races, immersive motion simulators, and VR technology.

The event occurred at the company HQ, where we delivered a motion Porsche GT1 simulator to showcase the 90s era and a motion Formula simulator with an official Formula 1 racing seat and F1-licensed Ferrari steering wheel.

RoarFun Clients Exxon Mobil Porsche immersive simulator with motion and virtual reality
RoarFun Clients Exxon Mobil Red Bull Formula 1 immersive simulator with motion and virtual reality

To enhance the experience, we used iPads to play live recordings of David Croft’s commentary at the racing highlights, such as start, collision, overtaking, and finish.

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