RoarFun Wizards
The backbone of our service

RoarFun Wizards - Vision

The vision of RoarFun is to provide incredible entertainment support at your location, where customers can enjoy themselves, whether they are children, teenagers, or adults. Happy Wizards are the ones who bring this vision to life.


All RoarFun Wizards undergo extensive training. We educate them on the best approach to engage visitors, prioritize safety and hygiene, ensure they can answer all possible questions, and present them with an abundance of positive energy. Wizards are the backbone of our service; they help us with all the entertainment magic.

Dynamic approach

We value your time with every visitor. That's why our Wizards had training to dynamically adjust the gaming experience based on the queue of people. For longer queues, we will change the experience to accommodate more people. With fewer people, we prioritize the quality of the experience itself.

They are really one of the best

Our Wizards are responsible for all the magic.

We hire for smiles

RoarFun Wizards are our warriors. They pass many interviews to make sure we find the best gems. All Wizards have an abundance of positive energy. They speak English fluently, and local language C2 level is a must.

Amazing competition

RoarFun Wizards will take care of any competition you have in mind, whether it's a racing/flying experience to set up the best time or organize a complex competition with teams advancing to the semifinals and finals.

Wizards create joyful moments for everyone

We believe in bringing our customers, colleagues, friends, and entire families closer together through shared joyful moments! Wizards are the ones who make it happen.

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